Since the early 2000s, our team members have played around with web technologies. The early days were impressive because of the speed at which technologies were evolving. In the past couple of years, we have seen extremely powerful frameworks that enabled a whole new era for web apps and web experiences, like Angular or React.
Over the past couple of years, we have created amazing web applications that empower users to do more, faster, in various fields like administration and government, healthcare, finance, and many others.
Our web apps are built with ease of use, security, and scalability in mind from day one. Complementing our web development expertise, our team also covers user research, user experience, user interface design, and backend development. We, at Atta Systems, can handle the software product creation process for you.
Performance and availability are always covered. We make sure the website has minimum downtime and is permanently monitored for errors or warnings. We use diagnostics and reporting tools like New Relic, Rollbar, and Pingdom to make sure everything runs smoothly all the time.
Angular is one of the most popular and widespread technologies for web app development
Angular was developed by Google in 2010. It is a JavaScript framework, it has impressive structural advantages, and it enables fast web apps development. Angular is used by organizations like The Guardian and
Angular is a very well structured framework that provides a lot of components out of the box. It is very well suited for medium and big web apps, with powerful visualizations and data processing.
React is one of the most popular and widespread technologies for web app development
React is a very fast JavaScript framework. It provides a lightweight library to render elements to the DOM and control them in an effective manner. A core functionality of React is building components and sub-components, which you can understand as UI pieces on a web app. React also offers a bunch of tools that help you better define how you want your components to be rendered. It also has third-party packages like React Router, a dynamic, client-sized routing library for building SPAs that render without refreshing the browser.
The community around React is very active and there are quite a lot of components already implemented. From our experience, it takes a bit of time to understand the ecosystem and to choose the right component to include in your project (or implement it from scratch).
React is used by large companies like Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Instagram, Microsoft, Slack, Asana, Airbnb, and more.
Vue is a JavaScript framework that gained a lot of momentum over the past years
Vue sits somewhere between Angular and React. It is a lightweight framework, meaning a fast framework, with more structure than React, meaning better maintainability in the long run.
It is used by big names like 9gag, Alibaba, Gitlab.
Vue works really well with Laravel framework for backend development.
We create meaningful software products for our customers’ audiences. We are driven by the impact and value created for the people we work with and aim to be world leaders in our field.